Fab Friday Finds

Welcome to Fab Friday Finds! A new post where I will share with you five finds from Etsy NY Team members.  I hope you enjoy!

Today's theme: Spring Creatures

Bugs, squirrels and chicks are all about.  Spring is a time of renewal. Flowers blossoming.

What's your favorite thing about spring?



Health & Beauty: Is Your Skin Spring-Ready?

Spring is here! The sun is shining. It's getting warmer. And, we're slowly shedding the layers of clothes that have been weighing us down. 

But, has the cold, moisture-sapping Winter weather taken a toll on your skin? Leaving it dry and rough to the touch? Here are some tips to Spring-ready your skin as you begin to shed your Winter layers:

  • Moisturize right after you step out of the shower or bath. Pat your skin dry and apply moisturizer when your skin is still slightly damp to better lock in moisture. Use chemical-free and fragrance-free products since artificial ingredients can irritate the skin and inflame skin conditions.  
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcoholic beverages that can dehydrate your body. Drink plenty of water to help your skin stay healthy and allow your body to function properly.
  • Exfoliate once a week to rid pore-clogging, dead skin cells and to allow cells to regenerate. Use a body polish, preferably sugar-based and natural scrubs that are gentler on the skin, to let your skin breathe and keep skin soft and supple.

Remember, if you have skin conditions that are persisting or worsening, please consult your medical practitioner.

Now, let's get ready for Spring! 

~ Susan

Naturally Susan's


A Survey, You Say?! Calling All Blog Readers!

Spring is almost in the air. Almost! This week alone we've partied in parts of the World - In New Orleans, Louisiana, we call it "Mardi Gras," in countries like Brazil, it is called "Carnival"- before ushering in the Lenten season for Christians.  We're also celebrating Women's History Month in the United States, and on Saturday, March 8th, International Women's Day that has a theme designated by the United Nations, "Equality for Women is Progress for All."

All of this has to do with today's post in that it is all a sign of change. Change in how women are treated and viewed globally, albeit we have a long road to global equality, and in how we think and behave.  Lent is really a chance to shed old perceptions and habits and move into new enlightenment. Well, if you believe in the idea of enlightenment and the practice of shedding old perceptions and habits.

I am a huge believer in change. Sometimes I don't always like it, but I know that change is the only constant in life.  Half the battle of dealing with change is accepting that there is a part we can not control. Scary! Change rarely brings out the bad, it usually brings out the good.

We at the EtsyNewYork Blog are undergoing a bit of change. We're under new management and we're looking to get feedback to bring about change. Don't worry, we're not going to do anything drastic.  We'd just like to know a bit about our readers, YOU, and what you like, dislike, and would like to see more of in the future.

The survey below has only 10 questions and I promise it won't take you longer than five minutes. There are no prizes for completing the survey, just undying gratitude and the knowledge in the coming weeks, that you had part of the changes you see on the screen.

So please, won't you help our team usher in change?

Thank you!

I'm Going On A Picnic . . .

. . .and I'm bringing:

Now that it is slowly getting warmer and our winter weary bones are craving the sun, it's time to get ready for picnic season. Here are some picnic inspired doodads designed by the members of our team and curated in a treasury by Sheryl of Life is Balance.

Before you go on a picnic you need to be properly accessorized:

Green Floral Necklace by Wandering Laur

Maybe finish off your ensemble with a hat:

Sunhat by Rocks and Salt

Of course you need a pillow to rest your sun-deprived head:

Bicycle Picnic Pillow by Eye Heart Us

For more picnic inspiration check out Sheryl's treasury:

Outright.com, A Spring Handmade Cavalcade Sponsor

Outright.com is already a familiar face on the Etsy New York blog, and today we would like to showcase them again as an official sponsor for the Spring Handmade Cavalcade. As you know, Outright.com is the alternative to Mint for small businesses. They have been a lifesaver to many of Etsy New York's members by providing a convenient, easy-to-use accounting tool that takes the guesswork out of bookkeeping and tax prep.

Etsy New York members have had the following great things to saw about Outright.com:

They make it very easy to see where your finances stand for the month and overall for the year. There are so many things you have to worry about in owning a small business and now my bookkeeping isn't one of them.

Very Satisfied Etsy New York Member

I've used Outright.com for a year and a half, and it has saved my butt at tax time twice now. My PayPal and my business bank account (therefore Etsy, Square, and Big Cartel) all link to it. I'm so bad at keeping up with bookkeeping, so it's been totally lifesaving to have it automated. The interface is easy to use too. I would recommend Outright.com to anyone who has had to keep small business records.

Happy Etsy New York Member 

Outright.com costs nothing to sign up! Hop on over to their website and make your bookkeeping life easier. And be sure to check out the Outright.com tips that come up on this blog! 

See you at the Spring Handmade Cavalcade!

Spring Handmade Cavalcade

Thinking outside the box...

Ahhh, Spring is here! That means the "crafty" season has begun! I have always loved strolling through a craft fair marveling at the wonderful things created by true artisans. Now that I am one of those "crafty" folks, most weekends I am somewhere out selling my wares. But, I have a hard time staying behind my booth. I am still interested in checking out other vendors' creations.

One thing that draws me to a table are the displays. I particularly love when artists choose unconventional objects. Interesting displays are always an eye-catcher, and I took a few pictures while I was at a craft fair last weekend.

Kam, who owns Kamspots had an interesting display for her ceramic hanging planters. First of all, her planters could have been displayed on a paper plate, and still gotten a second look (they are absolutely beautiful!) I was intrigued by the display, and she told me that it was a towel rack...yes like the rack in your bathroom...That's what I call creative!

Angela Colombo, designer and creator of EnchantraGirl injected a bit of nature into her display. Turning a bit of driftwood into something to showcase her delicate bracelets, was a smart move. It is a nice change from the black velvet busts that so often adorn a jewelers craft table.

Lisa LeClaire of Lisa LeClaire Designs highlighted her jewelry with some colorful shot glasses. They were the perfect fit for her eye-catching, sparkly jewelry. Her entire table was shining, and it was hard not to take a second look!

And finally, a little creativeness from Nordea Soaperie (yes, that would be me!) I had a hard time figuring out how to display my lavender sachets. I embroider each design by hand, and didn't want to throw them in a box. I found this display meant for cupcakes! It was perfect because each design can be seen, so customers can check out all of the designs without sifting through a box!

Remember that the annual Spring Handmade Cavalcade is coming up in a couple of weeks (May 4th.) I would bet that there will be a lot of creative displays to be seen. Of course it goes without saying that those displays will be showcasing some wonderul crafts too! Hope to see you there!

Until next time....happy crafting!

Nordea  /  nordeasoaperie