Four Quick Tips for Getting Those Google Hits

You’ve read every article, attended every conference, watched every video on how to get found on the web, yet you’re still not getting those Google hits. What’s an Etsy shop owner to do?

According to Susan Newman of Susan Newman Design, Inc. in Jersey City, NJ, there are a few basic things you could change this very day that could alter your results dramatically. And all it takes is just a little time at the computer.

Newman’s tips come from her years of experience in web design, branding and social media, and the use of these ideas herself in her own business. They’re just a part of what’s being showcased in her current Broadcast Louder seminar, a series of seven classes designed to help creative people brand themselves better. Here’s what Newman suggests:

Name your jpegs with keywords. (NOTE: Etsy renames your jpeg titles once they're uploaded. However, it's still a good practice to name your photos with keywords for when they appear in blogs or web sites.) Very often, we name our images with just numbers or our own internal coding system so that we can best find them quickly in our files. But Newman says this is a big no-no.  What you name your jpeg in your computer is what Google is going to search once it’s online.

Susan Newman
If you’re a jeweler, for example, and you’re selling a gold necklace with some colorful beads, you may want to name that photo “gold_necklace_purple_beads.jpg” so that the item will now come up in Google’s images search.

“The name you give that image is going to follow it wherever it goes on the web,” Newman says, “whether it’s on Etsy or Pinterest or Facebook. You want the image name to be the answer to someone’s query.”

One final tip: Be sure that there are no spaces in the jpeg name; use hyphens and underscores to divide words.

Create a blog…NOW.  Sure, everyone knows that blogging is a great way to draw customers to your shop, but the statistics on those who blog and those who don’t are staggering. And the numbers get even more astonishing depending upon how frequently you post.

According to marketing-software manufacturer, people who blog daily are 90% more likely to generate a sale than those who blog monthly, who have just a 13% chance of a sale.  And the person who blogs multiple times per day actually has nearly a 100% shot at generating a sale. It doesn’t matter what the subject is…it’s getting your shop name out there on a regular basis that’s important.

“The more you blog, the more content you have streaming to the web,” says Newman, “and the more people you have coming to your site. Of course it has to be good content, but basically the more you blog, the more the return on investment becomes unreal.”

Newman stresses that a blog title needs to be rich with keywords. And if there is an area for a description, don’t overlook it as an opportunity for keyword exposure.

She also explains the importance of “long-tail keywords,” which more clearly refine and define your products. A web designer, for example, might use the keyword phrase “web design” to describe his or her business, but Newman said that would be of no use at all. In the case of her own company, if she used the keyword phrase “web design Jersey City,” she’d see more traffic to her site, but if she became even more specific, using the keyword phrase “custom Wordpress themes Jersey City,” her traffic would skyrocket, as would her placement in a Google search.

“With a phrase like that, I might now be on the first page,” she says, “and quite possibly even number one.”

So switch it up. If you blog just a few times a month, try posting twice a week and see what happens. It’s quite possible that you’ll double your sales.

Create a Facebook page.  Almost everyone has a personal page, but not all Etsy shops have a Facebook page, which are for businesses, organizations and brands to share their stories and connect with people. If a shop posts solely on their personal page, Google has no idea what they're doing.  Why?

“If Etsy store owners just have a personal profile, none of what they say or write is searchable on Google, because that profile is private,  provided they chose that option in their settings,” Newman says. “But a Facebook page is public. That means that everything is searchable…your galleries, your image descriptions, your bio information, plus the images you upload.”

Like your jpeg images, when it comes to your Facebook page, think “keywords” in regards to just about anything you write. By drawing web surfers to your Facebook page, you're in turn drawing them to just about everything else you do, provided you've linked to all of your other social media...your web page, your LinkedIn page, your blog, and, of course, your Etsy shop.

Create a YouTube channel.  As YouTube is the second most searched site on the web (Facebook being number one and Google being number three), if an Etsy shop doesn’t have a YouTube presence, an enormous opportunity is being missed.  Creating video content might not be the first thing an Etsy owner would think of, but Newman says it makes sense.

There are any number of videos shop owners could create that would be of interest to their customers: tutorials, themselves at work in their studios, or a photo stream of their wares (using sites like Animoto, a free video-making site).

“In having a YouTube channel, you’re giving your audience another way to find you and your work,” Newman says. "As with your jpegs and Facebook, be sure to tag your videos properly with keywords and good descriptions, then cross-pollinate your platforms by putting that video link on your Facebook page and your blog. The more variety you have in the formats you give people, the more you’ll be opened up to new audiences.”

Click here for more information on Newman’s Broadcast Louder seminar, a series of seven classes starting April 11 for just $97. And click here to be a featured guest in her Branding You Better series.

Until next time!...
Mary Ann

For your little treasures...


Neons and You

Neon pink has become my new fave color this season.  I still have my pasty white winter skin so I do need to be careful of what pink shade I choose. However as I designer I can also incorporate it into my life in other ways.  Do you love one of the neon colors and really want to use it but don't know how? 


The Fluoro by the Cambridge Satchel Co. love this, you can emboss
your initials.

Cute neon striped tote on etsy by JoynerAvenue
Neon pink polish, cruelty free and kid friendly.
by Piggy Paint


Neon Chandalier Prints by Tess on Etsy
easy to add and remove to a living room, dining room
bathroom. You choose!

From Profound 

Love this neon door. I can see this on my new home in Brooklyn. Will my husband go for it?
Ok so you don't need to go all crazy with the neon but just adding a touch of it to your home will change the room. After a dreary winter everything can use a little brightening up.


My newest sewing supply, neon thread by Mettler. This is 100% poly.

Neon Burberry at Windy City Fabrics

There is something neon for everyone. It doesn't have to be a bad 80's flashback.




Who is the NewNew?

Our group tag line says "hand crafted in the NY Metro area." And if you've ever been to a team meeting, you know there are quite a few of us. But really...who are we? Who makes up the NewNew? 

I decided to find out with a little help from Survey Monkey & their free 10 question survey. So, let me introduce you to the NewNew...survey-style

We are overwhelmingly female. Not that we don't have some boys join in our fun. We do! But, for the first time in the NY Metro area, they are in the minority.

We are mostly a group of 30-somethings. We do have representatives in the 20 somethings category & several people in each category above 30-somethings so the age range is really long in this group. Isn't that cool? I feel like I am honing a craft now that I could potentially keep up. Or change! Hand crafting is ageless!

We seem to be a highly educated group. Most of the group who responded have a 4 year undergraduate degree with a large percentage with graduate degrees. Look at us - all little smarty pants :)

So who are we so far? So far the NewNew is a 30-something female with at least a college degree...and she isn't married. The largest number of answers on our survey in the marriage category were for those who had never been married, but it was almost a 50-50 split with those who are married. So, not the strongest question to determine who we are, I suppose.

We also don't have a lot of kids. Actually more than 80% don't have any at all. Perhaps this is a good time to mention that we have close to 200 members & only about 30% of them answered the survey. This is not a scientific analysis, but I would go out on a limb to say that we have plenty of members with kids & that perhaps that's why the response rate was a little low. It's cool, ladies! Next time...

Our most popular borough to live in? Brooklyn. Followed closely by Manhattan. The only borough not represented in our group appears to be the Bronx. Go figure...

And now for the nitty gritty...what do we make?? The answer: Jewelery. Lots of it. Here's my very first pie chart since high school, showing the break down. The list of categories in the key on the right are the categories you will find NewNew shops in & comes from the list on the Etsy homepage, fyi.

After jewelry, the majority of our makers are in the Paper Goods & Art category, though we are represented in almost every category. We are a pretty diverse set of crafters. Also interesting to note is that a lot of our members do more than one thing. One jeweler in our group also makes cake toppers. One photographer also silkscreens.

Almost done! I also thought it was interesting to know whether or not our 30-something Brooklynite without kids who has a killer jewelry line sells anywhere other than Etsy. And the overhwhelming answer is YES!

Where does this lovely lady like to sell? All over! Seriously almost each respondent had a different market that they look forward to. Of course, you can almost ALWAYS find representatives of the NewNew at the Brooklyn Flea. If you had a visit to Governor's Island this summer, we had a nifty pop-up store there. Also check out Better than Jam NYC in Bushwick & Black Bear Vintage in Windsor Terrace (Hello! Both Brooklyn!). To really find us, try our events page, right here on the blog. See the tab at the top? Local NYC Events? There you go...

I hope you'll come out & see us at one of the events! Look for a 30-something woman, who looks like she lives in Brooklyn, is probably wearing her very own killer jewelry without a stroller in sight...Very generally speaking anyway...

Get Caffeinated with the {NewNew}!

I am not a morning person. I cannot stress that enough. Left to my own devices, I would go to bed at 2:00am and wake up at 11:00am. Yes, I need 9 hours of sleep. Sue me.
However, I am forced to get up at the ungodly hour of 7:00am twice a week - well, I am not exactly forced, but when I had cats I used to like to spend 60-90 minutes with them until I had to start getting ready and I still get up with extra time. But now I spend that time nursing my coffee and reading, playing around on the computer or frantically writing late blog posts. That last example is purely hypothetical. I found coffee after I quit smoking cigarettes, which was over 20 years ago. I desperately needed a new ritual and turned to coffee, which I had previously found disgusting. I still found it awful, but in reverse proportion to the amount of milk and sugar I added. I could only stomach it if it was like melted coffee ice cream, which I am also not so crazy about. But like any good addict, I persevered and over time got to where I only need a teaspoon of sugar and a regular amount of milk. Something else changed - I adore coffee. I love my coffee addiction. Don't get me wrong, I rarely go over 2 cups a day. But the anticipation and the ritual is something I really get excited about. So in honor of coffee, here are some coffee-related items (with special guest tea) from the {NewNew}.

How cool is this? ItsaStitch has embroidered a caffeine molecule! Don't you love science?
Lipeony has basically captured my feelings in this adorable art print.
NordeaSoaperie brilliantly adds coffee grounds to her kitchen scrubby soap, which is made with coffee instead of water to remove fishy or garlicky or other odors from your hands.
Drinking your morning joe out of TakeMeHomeware's mug would be twice as nice!
SuzanneArtist's magnet reminds you of the dangers of overdoing it.
And, as promised, here is your nod to tea. New York Clocks has fashioned a real working clock from a beautiful cobalt blue tea tin. And you can even store things in it!
Until next time,

Explore the Wonder of {NewNew} Treasuries

After what seems an infinite blanket of snow that we've been nestled under these winter months here in New York, springtime is just around the corner. But we have to face the fact that February still brings a chill in the air and snow at our feet.

All is not cold and icy since we do have a special day to celebrate that can warm our hearts. And of course The {NewNew} can help you shake off those winter blues too!

Shop for all of your favorite {NewNew} artists by searching us in Etsy Treasuries!

'dreaming of a {NewNew} spring' by sansmap

Annie Collection - ...

Tea Party Shower In...

Sterling and Fiber ...

Pink Spinel Gold Fi...

Paper Bowl - Pink P...

Resin Jewelry - Sma...

Moonglow Alpha Plat...

Shabby chic white w...

Perpetual Change. 8...

Ride the sky, decor...

In Love with Love -...

Cephalopod Sconce, ...

Pink Heart Small Di...

Butterfly Dreams-11...

Crinkle ring in ste...

bloom. handspun sin...

Treasury tool is sponsored by A/B image testing.

Happy shopping with The {NewNew}!!

Bon Voyage Treasure Chest Boutique! A Farewell Sale at the Handmade Pop-Up Shop on Governors Island

It’s almost time to say bon voyage to this unique, handmade shopping experience on Governors Island! The shop is scheduled to close its doors on September 6th.

To celebrate the end of a wonderful summer bringing handmade goodness to Governors Island, The Handmade Treasure Chest Boutique will be offering 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE.

If you’ve visited the boutique already, come back to see what new products the artists have restocked throughout the summer. And if you haven’t discovered the Treasure Chest for yourself, you have this one last time to catch a ferry over to visit the boutique for some amazing handmade goods!

This magical pop-up store has made its home in Historical House 6B in the Nolan Park section of Governors Island all summer. After September 6th, however, The {NewNew} will bury its treasure for good, only to be found in the Etsy shops of its contributing artists.

Come in and plunder while you still can, landlubbers!

Friday Sept. 3 ~ 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday, Sept. 4 ~ 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 5 ~ 10:30 am - 6:00 pm

Historic Home 6B, Nolan Park, Governors Island